ClusterCS – Take the first 3 steps to make your website safer

One of the main topics of discussion between web developers, tech enthusiasts and site owners is security. If you own a server, a website or a small business, it’s up to you to protect your interests against any evildoers. How?

Here are ClusterCS we recommend to all our customers and collaborators to take these first three steps to make your website safer.… Read More

ClusterCS 1.1 – A simple firewall setup for all

Hello again. We want to thank everybody that sent us feedback so far, be it a bug report, suggestion or just a kind word.

I’m excited to announce ClusterCS 1.1, the first feature release since our official launch. This brings the possibility of defining custom firewall rules and also allows you to see what are the current default rules set up by the control panel.… Read More

ClusterCS 101 for Business Owners – What Is a Server Cluster?

The team behind ClusterCS has years of experience in developing solutions for business owners, other web developers and, of course, sysadmins. One of the most frequently asked questions we encountered was the significance of our product’s name.

Beyond that, online business owners are extremely interested in finding out what is a server cluster.… Read More