ClusterCS v2.05 Update

ClusterCS has reached its 2.05 version and we are excited to tell you what’s new. In this update, we are addressing various optimizations, quality of life improvements and bugfixes.

HTTP2 on HAproxy 1.9.4

As we promised in our previous changelog, our team worked on implementing HTTP2 on CentOS6 with OpenSSL 1.0.2r.

HTTP2 is now ready for CentOS6, CentOS7, Amazon Linux2 / Amazon AMI if you select HAproxy and self-SSL (Instead of through stunnel)..

You have to check the 1.9.4 HAproxy version with the HTTP2 module.

ClusterCS remoteAgent:

We have optimized our remote Agent in order to increase its efficiency:

    • Command operation for event generation:
      The command-event path in our internal system is now added as a pending event instead of a normal, loop based, verification mechanism.

Per command, the delay is now 1/3 – 1/2 of the previous version

    • Added remote agent open file descriptors monitoring;
      db query connection attempt has fd leaks when no response is received from the target. Monitoring will restart the agent if the count of fd reaches 3000
    • Optimized remote engine db query method for faster operations.
    • Apache (httpd) v2.4.38 is now available
    • The IP validator glitch when adding a new server;
    • Servers in-testing had their layout optimized;
    • Delete Env precisely deletes content from the server when the Env is deleted.
UX Improvements:
    • Servers in-testing had their layout optimized;
    • Replaced ‘happy codding’ with an improved message and design
    • Dev Env delete domain layout improved;
    • For reports, added entity name as big label, hostname small label + hostname as helper text;
    • Let’s Encrypt text updated on the SSL tab;
    • Logs label name now save correctly.

Let us know what you think of this update and if you don’t have an account, give it a try!